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It all comes to those who wait!

The final piece of the Lodge Panmure, No. 299, Stairlift Project was fitted into place yesterday … appropriately on the day of the Lodge’s 200th Celebrations.

In February 2020, at the Lodge’s Annual Installation, the start of a fundraising project, with the objective of installing a stairlift in the Lodge to assist the less able Brethern and visitors to attend meetings and functions, was announced, raising £900 on the night.

However, Covid struck and the project had to be put on the back burner.
Subsequently, as time marched on and Covid restrictions and their impact on fundraising lessened somewhat, Brother Graham Letford, PM, Lodge Forfar and Kincardine, No. 225, held an extremely successful online auction and completed a 299 mile cycle to assist the Lodge in raising further funds to purchase the chairlift.

Additional fund raisers and contributions resulted in the target sum being raised … leading to the chairlift being installed.

Yesterday, the stairlift circle was completed when Brother William H Gauld (Bud), Depute Grand Master, received the most singular honour of being presented, at the conclusion of his ascent, with an exclusive, honorary remote control for the chairlift, marking the official christening of said addition to the Lodge. — with Bros. William Gauld and Graham Letford